I've been through a lot of changes in the last few months. Many of them were fun and exciting changes: getting into grad school, moving, increased dating opportunities and experiences, etc. Today I experienced one that wasn't so fun. It was my last day in my YSA (young single adult) ward.
I've been in singles wards for coming on 13 years now, and for the most part it's been a great experience. I've met wonderful friends, had many opportunities to serve and feel like I've established my testimony of the gospel in the experiences I've had. I love the excitement, enthusiasm and energy I always feel in my singles wards, and it's always different when I visit a family ward now, but not bad different, just different.
Within two weeks I will be having a "special" birthday, which means I have to find a new ward home. You wouldn't think so, but it's been a big pill for me to swallow. It left me feeling adrift, like I don't fit anywhere anymore. I'm not technically a YSA anymore, but am I going to fit better in a family ward or the mid-singles ward? It represents to me a decision I hoped to never hoped to make. What is the best opportunity for me to learn, serve and grow? This is a family-cenetered church I belong to, so what would it mean for me to go to a family ward as a single? Even though I don't like that I have to make this decision, I'm grateful that I get to choose rather than being told where I'm supposed to go.
I consider myself to be a proactive rather than reactive, so I've been trying to do my due diligence to figure out which decision is best. I visited both in the last month to decide which is the better fit. I was hopeful that maybe the mid-singles ward would work, but alas, it just wasn't the right fit for me. So, starting in just two weeks (because I'll be out of town next week), I'm going to be attending a family ward for the first time since I was 18. It's a big change, but I am hopeful for the best, and I feel good about my decision.
So even though leaving YSA land behind (without having accomplished the purpose of a singles ward, or finding an eternal companion), change is a good thing, right? I am excited to see what new experiences I will have and the people I will meet. And the other will still come, when the time is right of course.