Saturday, December 4, 2010

At least someone likes the snow. . .

As I look out the window today, I see what snow is left on the ground slowly melting. We’re supposed to get precipitation today, but it’ll be rain instead of snow since the temperature is dramatically warmer than it was only last weekend. It’s almost (almost being the key word here) hard to believe how cold and icky it was.

Don’t worry — my memory’s not that short. :) Having just posted a status update on Monday when it was still freezing about just how much I hate the cold I haven’t forgotten that quickly how much I don’t enjoy it.

I do want to share some pictures of some kids who not only like it but love it! I still remember what it was like to be a kid and be overjoyed to see white flakes drifting onto the ground. Oh the adventure it presented! My dad used to make us snow caves which were so much fun! And sometimes we even had snow horses, which were kind of like tipped over snowmen that you could sit on.

But I digress. The point of this post is to share pictures of the kids enjoyed the tubing hill my brother-in-law created in his backyard. At first it was just a couple of bumps, but he built it up to be even bigger and better. Oh boy did the kids love it! They spent hours, and I do mean hours, tubing down it. They didn’t care that it was cold outside, no siree! With the proper snow clothing, I think they barely even felt the cold.

This is what it looks like. Pretty cool huh.


Can’t you see how delighted they were with the snow hill?



Of course what goes down must also come up. And we must be sure to keep building it up as my two brothers-in-law are doing in the picture on the right.


The whole group of excited tubers. Even after hours of being in the bitter cold, they’re still excited. Where can I get some of that enthusiasm?! Winking smile


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