Saturday, January 1, 2011

At the close of 2010. . .

I had every intention of writing this yesterday and I didn’t get around to it as I intended. Sorry about that! But I’d still like to report on my progress because I did in fact make some great changes that I’m proud of. Yes, this is the official tooting of my own horn. Smile

I think the most appropriate way to track my progress is by revisiting my resolutions from 2010, so here goes.

1) My first goal was to take better charge of my money. It hasn’t happened in quite the time frame I was hoping for, but I’m happy to report that I’m still making progress! From September to mid December I co-taught a Financial Peace University class, and it has inspired me to truly take charge of my finances in a way I never have before. I’m not all the way there yet, but I am definitely making progress.Wa-hoo! I’m in a good position to pay off my car within a few months and my student loan shortly after that.

2) Shape up and trim up: I know this is many people’s goal for the new year, but as I mentioned at that time, I had a special reason for wanting to do so. I felt it was essential for me to take better care of my heart because of my beautiful niece was born with a bad heart and couldn’t ever do many of the things I can.

I have learned that progress and change come slowly and it wasn’t until about June that I really started to see the fruits of my labors. I’m happy to report that not only did I run my first 5K in June, but I have also lost over 30 pounds and am working on my fourth set of 10. I hoped to reach 50 by Christmas, but I didn’t quite make it. However, this is a goal I fully intend to continue into the new year. And now I know for sure I can do it!

3) Take up a new hobby: My true desire here was to take up jewelry making. I have successfully made several pieces of jewelry now (mostly watches), so I suppose I have made progress on this goal too. But it’s not as much as I intended. I’m going to do my best to do even better with this goal next year. With as much as I love jewelry, I’m sure I can do it. Perhaps I might even try another new hobby as well.

4) Find ways to leave my comfort zone more often: This goal has also been fulfilled, but not in the way I would have expected. I think it morphed a bit over the year and that’s the beautiful thing about goals right, that they can change? Instead, I wanted to teach myself to be okay with being alone. It’s something that I both love and hate, and when it comes right down to it, it makes me uncomfortable to be alone for too long by myself.

But, this year has taught me it’s okay. I have learned to be my own best friend and to not be afraid to do things on my own like going to a community ed class, shopping or to a movie. Much of this has come since I moved way further south than I had ever intended and have found myself alone much more than I would like oftentimes. It’s okay though. I’m getting better at it all the time.

5) Finally, I wanted to improve my understanding of hope. I have discovered just how powerful of an emotion hope is, but it hasn’t been in the way I thought or intended it would be.

Truly 2010 was one of the most trying years of my life. From the death of my beautiful niece in March to problems on the home front to changes at work, it has challenged me from start to finish. Not all the changes have been welcome, but I’ve learned to embrace them and have done my best to learn from them. As I mentioned in a previous post, I don’t feel like the same person now that I was a year ago. My heart still often hurts and is filled with sorrow because I miss Ashley so much. I know she’s in a better place and finally at peace, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’d rather still have her here with us.

The one bright shining spot in all of this is the love of my Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ. I understand more about the Atonement and the power it has to heal and help us move on. I’ve learned that hope and faith are inseparably connected, and they can give you the power to move forward when nothing else can help. In the darkest moments of our lives, hope is a powerful force that pulls us on. This is a picture my brother took in Yellowstone and shows exactly what hope means to me.


Here’s to a bright 2011. Watch for my goal-setting post in the near future!

1 comment:

kathryn said...

I'm so proud of you, Tammy. I know this year hasn't been easy for you, but you've faced every challenge the Lord has thrown at you with a resolve and determination that I could only hope to have.